Sunday, May 16

Comfort Food

I haven't lived at my parent's house in years... years that I've spent bouncing around from rented house to apartment with an assortment of roommates. Now, Matt and I have a little place that we've poured our hearts into. It's become our home. But I still can't help looking forward to going home - the house I lived in for years and years, where my parents still live, will always seem like home.

We went to my parent's house on Friday night for an evening of good food, laughter, and dusky frisbee. It was wonderful.
mom and not-so-little brother
sunset off the back deck
the little white speck is winslo... he loves having acres to run in and explore. he's in city-dog heaven out here!
i think matt is sick of me taking pictures of him all the time. too bad it won't stop me!!

What does going home mean to you? Is it a place, or where your favorite people are? 


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