Monday, August 23

Vintage Love

Yesterday, after lunch with these dear newly-weds:
Matt and I ventured out to the Vintage Bazaar. I've had my eye out for a few choice pieces for our new place for the past couple weeks, and we went hoping to find the perfect thing to bring home.
The Bazaar is a yearly 'modern pop-up flea market' that takes place in the Congress Theater, an amazingly old and run down place. 
The entry to the theater is absolutely gorgeous - chipped gold paint and all. Each little piece had so much charm to it - even the restrooms!
The actual Bazaar looked like this:
It was sweltering inside, and there was NO room to move from booth to booth. After waiting in line to simply walk down the isle, we decided to scrap any hope of finding any treasures and just spent time looking at everything. 
We left empty handed - but full of inspiration

And we got to enjoy a sunny afternoon exploring our new city together. 

Happy Monday, loves!


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