Tuesday, September 7

Days of the week...

My mom and I had a riot talking non-stop, laughing, and shop shop SHOPPING on Saturday!
(the only picture we took together, while waiting for the CTA to take her back to her train home :sniff:)

I dragged her around to all sorts of home and clothing stores. Her sense of style is impeccable, and she is a pro at scouring sale racks and improvising fun things out of pretty much nothing. We hit up Crate & Barrel Outlet, and I came home brimming with all sorts of project ideas. 

Like this one:
I bought some large adhesive chalkboard squares without an idea in mind except that I couldn't pass them up. Our door into the apartment opens into our kitchen, and the back of the door was looking a little glum:

I decided to cut the sheets into 5 and 1/2 inch squares.

Then I broke out my handy-dandy old atlas, x-acto knife, and rubber cement.

And voila! A chalkboard calendar, perfect for meal planning, scheduling, and love notes (my favorite!).

I have a few more projects to tackle and then I promise an apartment reveal!


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